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Message to Berkeley Japanese American Citizens League

Berkeley Japanese American Citizens League - Japanese  in Berkeley CA

Berkeley Japanese American Citizens League

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Human Rights Charity Non Profit
Practice Areas

About Berkeley Japanese American Citizens League

Founded in 1942, the Berkeley JACL is part of the oldest and largest Asian American civil rights organization.

The Berkeley Chapter of the JACL is committed to upholding the human and civil rights of all people, strengthening community ties and fostering coalitions with groups who have similar interests. We strive to promote understanding, respect and appreciation of the rich diversity and contributions of all cultures by preserving and advancing the history of Japanese Americans and all other groups in the United States.


Primary Office Location

pin PO Box 7609 Berkeley CA 94707

Social Media

Twitter page for Berkeley Japanese American Citizens League - Japanese  in Berkeley Facebook page for Berkeley Japanese American Citizens League - Japanese  in Berkeley
Message Berkeley Japanese American Citizens League