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Message to Florin Chapter Japanese American Citizens League Sacramento Valley

Florin Chapter Japanese American Citizens League Sacramento Valley - Japanese  in Sacramento CA

Florin Chapter Japanese American Citizens League Sacramento Valley

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About Florin Chapter Japanese American Citizens League Sacramento Valley

The Florin Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) is one of the oldest and most active local community organizations involved in teaching cross-cultural understanding and promoting civil rights of all people. Established in 1935, the Florin JACL is run entirely by volunteers, and is sustained from community donations and membership dues.

The mission of the Florin JACL - SV (Florin Japanese American Citizens League-Sacramento Valley) is: ”Promoting civil rights, social justice, and cultural heritage for all Americans through community education, alliances and leadership”.


Primary Office Location

pin PO Box 292634 Sacramento CA 95829


Social Media

Twitter page for Florin Chapter Japanese American Citizens League Sacramento Valley - Japanese  in Sacramento Facebook page for Florin Chapter Japanese American Citizens League Sacramento Valley - Japanese  in Sacramento Instagram page for Florin Chapter Japanese American Citizens League Sacramento Valley - Japanese  in Sacramento Instagram page for Florin Chapter Japanese American Citizens League Sacramento Valley - Japanese  in Sacramento
Message Florin Chapter Japanese American Citizens League Sacramento Valley