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Message to Northern California-Western Nevada-Pacific District of Japanese American Citizens League

Northern California-Western Nevada-Pacific District of Japanese American Citizens League - Japanese  in San Francisco CA

Northern California-Western Nevada-Pacific District of Japanese American Citizens League

(415) 921-5225
(415) 921-5225

About Northern California-Western Nevada-Pacific District of Japanese American Citizens League

The JACL-NCWNP sponsors educational programs for its members and the public. Programs have focused on such topics as hate crimes, which taught our members how to work with their local police departments to combat hate violence; on homophobia in the Japanese American community, which served as an opportunity to open a dialogue and break down the stereotypes and fear that keep us apart; and on the Nisei resisters of conscience, which featured both veterans and resisters sharing their stories in an effort to bring a healing to our community.

The NCWNP District sponsors activities that remember and honor our elders as well as those that nurture our youth. Each year in May, we co-sponsor Memorial Day services with VFW Nisei Post #9879 and the Military Intelligence Service Association of Northern California. It is a time to pay tribute to the men and women of our community who served their country in uniform.

NCWNP involves itself in efforts to ensure the future viability and vitality of San Francisco’s Japantown. The NCWNP District was involved in the campaign which successfully led to the returning of the Japanese YWCA to the community’s ownership.


Primary Office Location

pin 1765 Sutter Street San Francisco CA 94115

pin (415) 921-5225


Social Media

Facebook page for Northern California-Western Nevada-Pacific District of Japanese American Citizens League - Japanese  in San Francisco
Message Northern California-Western Nevada-Pacific District of Japanese American Citizens League
(415) 921-5225