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Message to The Japan America Society of Chicago

The Japan America Society of Chicago - Japanese  in Chicago IL

The Japan America Society of Chicago

(312) 263-3049
(312) 263-3049

About The Japan America Society of Chicago

Established in 1930, the Japan America Society of Chicago is a not-for-profit, nonpartisan, nonpolitical association that “fosters understanding between our two cultures, to cultivate personal friendship between our two people.”

The Society promotes dialogue, social interaction, cooperation and friendship among its members by serving as a forum for the exchange of ideas and information on economic, political, business and cultural affairs that inform and shape U.S.- Japan bilateral relations in world affairs.

The Japan America Society of Chicago now serves as the principal clearinghouse in the Greater Chicago area and much of the Midwest on information pertaining to U.S. – Japan bilateral relations. The Society sponsors programs to serve some 1400 American and Japanese nationals interested in business and cultural issues in each nation. The Society serves this dual constituency by annually sponsoring some 50 business-related and cultural programs on a wide variety of subjects.


Primary Office Location

pin 1 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2475 Chicago IL 60602

pin (312) 263-3049


Social Media

Twitter page for The Japan America Society of Chicago - Japanese  in Chicago Facebook page for The Japan America Society of Chicago - Japanese  in Chicago Instagram page for The Japan America Society of Chicago - Japanese  in Chicago Twitter page for The Japan America Society of Chicago - Japanese  in Chicago
Message The Japan America Society of Chicago
(312) 263-3049